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Mission Statement

The TECEC Parent-Teacher Organization is dedicated to the enrichment of the Trumbull Early Childhood Education Center and its students.  Our goal is to promote cooperation and communication between home, school, and community. The PTO meets the first Wednesday of each month.

Our philosophy is to provide educational enhancements, including, but not limited to, programs which benefit the majority of the student body and are not normally provided by the board of Education.

It is our belief that the team effort of a parent-teacher organization offers the best possible learning environment for our children.


The organization shall be noncommercial, non sectarian and non partisian.

All preschool families are welcome to become members of the PTO by completing a membership application.

No dues shall be collected at any time.

All Preschool families and staff are invited to attend the PTO meetings.

Meeting dates will be published and reminder notices will be sent home. Minutes will be kept and will be available to all Preschool families and staff for all meetings